Level: This is most suited to A1+ – A2-level students.
Time: 45 mins +Â
This Tic-Tac-Toe: Past Simple ESL Game provides practice of past simple verb forms. The students can play in teams or pairs.
For each turn, the team or student chooses a square on the tic-tac-toe grid. They must convert the base verb they have chosen into an its past simple form. For example, if the verb is dance, they should convert it to danced. After converting the verb, the student must create a correct sentence using the verb (e.g., She danced at the party.). If the sentence is correct, the team or pair can mark that square with their symbol (X or O) or a shape (online lessons). If they cannot form a correct sentence, the other team or pair gets a chance to claim that square by correcting the mistake. The first team or pair to get three squares in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) wins the game.
There is also an optional homework exercise where students write sentences using the verbs from the game in the past simple.
We have a teacher’s copy (including teacher’s notes) and a student version, which you can email to your class for online lessons.
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