Vowel Sounds: /ɪ/ & /iː/

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Level: This is most suited to B1 – B2- level.

Time: 1.5 hours + (depending on level). 

This Vowel Sounds: /ɪ/ & /iː/ pronunciation lesson provides explanation and practice of the minimal pairs /ɪ/ & /iː/. It begins with an explanation of the sounds based on the sound duration, tongue, mouth, and lips position. Next, the lesson focuses on common spellings for each sound before looking at some more unusual spellings.

There are various exercises throughout to give students plenty of practice in identifying and pronouncing words containing the sounds.

We have a teacher’s copy (including teacher’s notes and an answer key) and a student version which you can email to your class for online lessons.

Note that this is quite an intensive lesson, and as such, you may want to break it up over two classes.

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